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12 Days of Scriptmas - 2023


Published on 12/14/2023

12 Days of Scriptmas Title

As we reach the end of 2023, we’re rapidly approaching that time of year again. It’s that time where all of the HowToSFMC Elves and helpers get together to share their Scriptmas joy with the world. For the fourth year in a row, HowToSFMC is proud to announce Scriptmas is back!

Whether you’ve got a script you’d like to submit for the HowToSFMC Helpers to celebrate Scriptmas cheer in 2023 or you’re looking to see what the community has got to offer, that may be a little gift to yourself. Make sure to check back in the run up to the big day.

If you’re not familiar with Scriptmas, head up to the search bar and check out the submissions and contributions we’ve had over the last few years. From December 13th up to Christmas Eve itself we’ll be revealing one piece of Scriptmas magic for the world to see.

Check out the scripts revealed so far below:

Day One

On the first day of Scriptmas, Ruchika gave to us - a complete example to robustly personalise email content to subscribers, including graceful fallback content! Take a look and see how you can use this in your day to day.

Click here to see the Day One Script
/* Define variables */
SET @recipientName = "Friend"
SET @magicalReunionEvent = "Christmas Gathering"

/* Check if the recipient's name is available */
IF NOT EMPTY(@recipientName) THEN

  /* Personalized greeting for the recipient */
  SET @greeting = CONCAT("Dear ", @recipientName, ",")

  /* Content for the email */
  SET @emailContent = CONCAT(
    "<h2 style='color: #cc3333;'>Welcome to the Magical Reunion!</h2>",
    "<p>As we prepare for our ", @magicalReunionEvent, ", we can't help but feel the warmth of togetherness in the air.</p>",
    "<p>We hope this Christmas event will bring back fond memories and create new magical moments!</p>",
    "<p>Looking forward to seeing you at the gathering!</p>"

  /* Output the personalized greeting and content */


  /* Default content if recipient's name is unavailable */
  SET @defaultContent = "<p>Dear friend, join us at our Magical Reunion for a heartwarming Christmas event!</p>"

  /* Output default content */



Thank you again Ruchika! Make sure to check back tomorrow for our second piece of Scriptmas joy!

Day Two

On the second day of Scriptmas, Nicolò gave to us... A script to update and run a single script activity in one fell swoop. No more writing, saving and manually running once. Perfect for those times where your query needs to change automatically! Customise this and stick it in an automation and you'll be laughing your way to the automation bank!

Click here to see the Day Two Script
<script runat="server">
    Platform.Load("core", "1.1");

    // setting the required parameters

    var deName = "DeName";                  // Name of the DE target of the query
    var deCustomerKey = "deCustomerKey";    // Customer Key of the DE target of the query
    var queryParameter = "queryParameter";  // Parameter to be changed in the query
    var queryCustomerKey = "queryKey";      // Customer Key of the query
    var queryObjectId = "queryObjectId";    // Object Id of the query

    // running function to edit the query

    var qd = QueryDefinition.Init(qkey);

    var sql = "SELECT\r\n      sub.Subscriberkey\r\n    , sub.EmailAddress\r\nFROM _Subscribers AS sub\r\nINNER JOIN _Sent AS sent\r\n    ON sub.SubscriberKey = sent.SubscriberKey\r\nINNER JOIN _Job AS job\r\n    ON sent.JobId = job.JobId\r\nWHERE job.EmailName = \"" + queryParameter + "\"";
    var prox = new Script.Util.WSProxy();
    var options = {
      SaveOptions: [
          "PropertyName": "*",
          SaveAction: "UpdateAdd"

    var data = {
      CustomerKey: queryCustomerKey,
      ObjectID: queryObjectId,
      QueryText: sql,
      TargetType: "DE",
      DataExtensionTarget: {
        Name: dename,
        CustomerKey : deCustomerKey

    var desc = prox.updateItem("QueryDefinition", data, options);

    // run the query 

Thank you again Nicolò! I wonder what Scriptmas will bring us tomorrow? You'll have to come back and see!

Day Three

On the third day of Scriptmas, Ralph gave to us... A neat little trick to leverage AMPscript within an SSJS Activity to create or update a case in Salesforce CRM.

Click here to see the Day Three Script
var userInput = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(Platform.Request.GetPostData());
if (userInput.casedata) {
var caseId = createCaseInSalesforce(userInput);
response.caseId = caseId; 

 * @function createCaseInSalesforce
 * @description Creates a case in Salesforce by executing an AMPscript block.
 * @param {Object} userInput - The user input containing case data.
  * @returns {String} The ID of the created case.
 * @throws Will throw an error if case creation fails.
function createCaseInSalesforce(userInput) {
    try {
    var caseVariables = userInput.casedata.split(',');
    var caseFieldValues = [];

    // Loop through the dynamic AMPscript variables and populate the caseFieldValues array
    for (var i = 0; i < caseVariables.length; i++) {
        var key = caseVariables[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // Trim whitespace
        var value = userInput[key]; // Get the value from the userInput object

        // Only count fields if a value exists
        if (value != undefined) {
            caseFieldValues.push("'" + key + "', '" + value + "'"); // Push the field name and value directly
        // Build the AMPscript string to create the Case object in Salesforce
        var createCaseSalesforceObjectAmpscript = 'SET @Case = CreateSalesforceObject("Case", ' + caseFieldValues.length + ', ' + caseFieldValues.join(', ') + ')';
        // Execute the AMPscript block and retrieve the result
        var caseId = caseAmpScript(createCaseSalesforceObjectAmpscript);
        return caseId;
    } catch (error) {
        throw { message: "Error creating case in Salesforce: " + error.message };

/*------------ EXECUTE CASE AMPSCRIPT FUNCTION ------------*/
 * @function caseAmpScript
 * @description Executes a block of AMPscript code within SSJS. This function
 *              takes a string of AMPscript code, wraps it in delimiters to
 *              form a valid AMPscript block, then uses the TreatAsContent 
 *              function to evaluate the block. After execution, the function 
 *              retrieves the value of a predetermined variable set within the
 *              AMPscript code.
 * @param {String} code - The AMPscript code to execute. This should be a 
 *                        string containing valid AMPscript syntax.
 * @returns {String} The value of the '@Case' variable as set by the executed 
 *                   AMPscript. It's assumed that the AMPscript code sets a 
 *                   variable named '@Case'. If '@Case' is not set, the 
 *                   function returns undefined.
 * @example
 * // Example of using the ampScript function:
 * var caseIdAmpScript = "SET @Case = CreateSalesforceObject('Case', 3, 'Subject', 'Inquiry', 'Description', 'Details')";
 * var caseId = ampScript(caseIdAmpScript);
 * // caseId now contains the Salesforce ID of the created case object.
function caseAmpScript(code) {
    // Wrap the provided code in an AMPscript block
    var ampBlock = '%%[' + code + ']%%';

    // Treat the AMPscript block as content and execute it

    // Retrieve the value of the '@Case' variable set by the AMPscript
    return Variable.GetValue('@Case');

Thank you for your Scriptmas treat, Ralph! Check back tomorrow to see what's behind Script Door Number Four...

Day Four

On the fourth day of Scriptmas, Salesforce Marketing Champion Pato gave to us... An AMPscript driven method to retrieve a dynamically populated countdown timer for use in email or Cloud Pages!

Click here to see the Day Four Script

This script lets you display a countdown timer in your emails using

Step 1. Create a dynamic timer with
Step 2. Get the id of your timer from the embed code window
Step 3. Set the enddate variable with the end date using ISO format
Step 4. Display the timer!


set @enddate = "2024-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-00:00"
set @enddate_f = formatdate(@enddate,"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:sszzz")

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center">
<img src="" width="500"/>
<h1>Countdown until the new year!</h1>
<img src=""
style="display:inline-block!important;" border="0" alt=""></td></tr></table>

Thank you for your submission, Pato! If you're looking to see this Scriptmas treat in a bit more context, head over to MCSnippets and take a look.

Day Five

On the fifth day of Scriptmas, Erlend gave to us... An all in one Data View query to summarise each subscribers email engagement behaviour for the last 60 days! A great way to see across 5 golden data views!

Click here to see the Day Five Script
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT o.JobID) AS TotalOpens
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT c.JobID) AS TotalClicks
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT s.JobId) AS TotalSent
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT b.JobId) AS TotalBounces
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.IsUnique = 'true' THEN o.JobID END) AS TotalUniqueOpens
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.IsUnique = 'true' THEN c.JobID END) AS TotalUniqueClicks
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.IsUnique = 'true' THEN b.JobId END) AS TotalUniqueBounces
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN o.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -7, GetDate()) THEN o.JobID END) AS OpensLast7Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -7, GetDate()) THEN c.JobID END) AS ClicksLast7Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN s.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -7, GetDate()) THEN s.JobID END) AS SentLast7Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN b.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -7, GetDate()) THEN b.JobID END) AS BouncesLast7Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN o.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -30, GetDate()) THEN o.JobID END) AS OpensLast30Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -30, GetDate()) THEN c.JobID END) AS ClicksLast30Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN s.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -30, GetDate()) THEN s.JobID END) AS SentLast30Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN b.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -30, GetDate()) THEN b.JobID END) AS BouncesLast30Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN o.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -60, GetDate()) THEN o.JobID END) AS OpensLast60Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN c.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -60, GetDate()) THEN c.JobID END) AS ClicksLast60Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN s.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -60, GetDate()) THEN s.JobID END) AS SentLast60Days
 ,  COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN b.EventDate > DateAdd(Day, -60, GetDate()) THEN b.JobID END) AS BouncesLast60Days
FROM _Subscribers AS sub
/*Join with all Opens a subscriber have done*/
/*NOTE: Opens may not be correct as some email provider like Apple is auto opening emails. Making this statistick flaed. Salesforce recomend to always use engagement data, like clicks instead.*/
    LEFT JOIN _Open AS o
    ON o.SubscriberKey = sub.SubscriberKey
/*Join with all Clicks a subscriber have done*/
    LEFT JOIN _Click AS c
    ON c.SubscriberKey = sub.SubscriberKey
/*Join with all Sent emails a subscriber recieved*/
    LEFT JOIN _Sent AS s
    ON s.SubscriberKey = sub.SubscriberKey
/*Join with all Bounc event a subscriber is linked to*/
    LEFT JOIN _Bounce AS b
    ON b.SubscriberKey = sub.SubscriberKey
GROUP BY sub.SubscriberKey

Thank you again Erlend for your Scriptmas treat! This is something many SFMC users will add to their toolbox I'm sure. Check back tomorrow to see what's next this Scriptmas!

Day Six

On the sixth day of Scriptmas, Salesforce Marketing Champion Lesley gave to us... The back end code to create a SFMC hosted and built rendition of hit internet game, Wordle - Using AMPscript! All you need to do is add your own front end & a Data Extension with your Wordle Words in to start your own version, with your own words.

Click here to see the Day Six Script
var @rows, @row, @today, @word, @attempt, @j, @letterFromWord, @letterFromAttempt, @letterStatus, @status
var @jsonOutput, @letter1, @letter2, @letter3, @letter4, @letter5

set @today = Format(Now(), "MMMM dd, yyyy")
set @rows = LookupRows("Wordle Words","Date", @today)

/* Retrieve the 'attempt' form field value */
set @attempt = RequestParameter("attempt")

if rowcount(@rows) == 1 then
    set @row = row(@rows, 1) /* Get the first (and only) row */
    set @word = field(@row,"Word") /* Get word from row */

    /* Compare the word and the attempt */
    for @j = 1 to length(@word) do
        set @letterFromWord = substring(@word,@j,1)
        set @letterFromAttempt = substring(@attempt,@j,1)

        if @letterFromWord == @letterFromAttempt then
            set @status = 2
        elseif IndexOf(@word, @letterFromAttempt) > 0 then
            set @status = 1
            set @status = 0

        /* Concatenate the status to the @letterStatus string */
        set @letterStatus = Concat(@letterStatus, @status)
    next @j

    /* Split the @letterStatus string into individual values */
    set @letter1 = substring(@letterStatus, 1, 1)
    set @letter2 = substring(@letterStatus, 2, 1)
    set @letter3 = substring(@letterStatus, 3, 1)
    set @letter4 = substring(@letterStatus, 4, 1)
    set @letter5 = substring(@letterStatus, 5, 1)

    /* Construct the JSON-like output */
    set @jsonOutput = Concat('{"letter1": ', @letter1, ', "letter2": ', @letter2, ', "letter3": ', @letter3, ', "letter4": ', @letter4, ', "letter5": ', @letter5, '}')

Thank you Lesley for this fun little script! Now to start thinking of as many 5 character Scriptmas themed words we can all think of... Check back tomorrow for more Scriptmas joy!

Day Seven

On the seventh day of Scriptmas, Marketing Champion Rodrigo gave to us... A neat little bit of HTML/CSS to encourage your Cloud Pages to get found by web crawlers and for better experiences when sharing the content on social media!

Click here to see the Day Seven Script
<!-- SERP metadata -->
<meta name="description" content="AddYourDescription">

<!-- Facebook metadata -->
<link rel="image_src" href="YourImageLink.png" /> <!-- always use an absolute link -->
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="AddYourTitle" />
<meta property="og:description" content="AddYourDescription" />
<meta property="og:image" content="YourImageLink.png" /> <!-- always use an absolute link -->
<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200" /> <!-- By using this image size, you define both facebook and twitter large image card types -->
<meta property="og:image:height" content="630" />

<!-- Twitter Cards -->
<meta property="twitter:creator" content="@YourName" /> <!-- If you don't have a Twitter/X fanpage, you can delete this line of code -->
<meta property="twitter:url" content="" />
<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <!-- This is the large card version for Twitter Cards -->
<meta property="twitter:site" content="@YourCompanyName" /> <!-- If you don't have a Twitter/X fanpage, you can delete this line of code -->

<!-- Add alt txt for accesibility -->
<meta property="og:image:alt" content="Add your alternative text here" />
<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Add your alternative text here">

Thanks again Rodrigo for this helpful boilerplate to help manage user experience when interacting with your Cloud Pages! Make sure you check back tomorrow to see what our next Scriptmas helper has in store...

Day Eight

On the eighth day of Scriptmas, Salesforce Marketing Champion Corrina gave to us... A SQL query to help you find what emails a subscriber was really sent (if for some reason they don't believe it). Subscribers like to get themselves on the Scriptmas naughty list!

Click here to see the Day Eight Script
SELECT J.EmailName as 'EmailName', 
from  _Sent se 
INNER JOIN ENT._Subscribers s 
ON se.SubscriberID = s.SubscriberID
ON se.JobID = J.JobID
WHERE se.EventDate >= dateadd(day, -20, getdate())
AND s.EmailAddress = ''

Thanks again for your Scriptmas treat, Corrina! Check back tomorrow to see what our Scriptmas friends have in store for us...

Day Nine

On the ninth day of Scriptmas, Erick gave to us... A joyful WSProxy Script to trigger an email send on a CloudPage using some nifty query string parameters. Just update the ExternalKey variable, pass an Email Address and SubscriberKey in query parameters -- and you're off to the races!

Want to make it a bit more magical? Update the script to grab a dynamic Triggered Send External Key so this can be used for multiple triggered sends.

Click here to see the Day Nine Script
<script runat="server">
var prox = new Script.Util.WSProxy();

//Set TriggeredSend External Key
var tsExKey = 'ExternalKey'; 
//pass Email Address as query string parameter
var EmailAddress = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('email');
//pass Subscriber Key as query string parameter
var SubscriberKey = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('subscriberkey');

var tsDef = {
    TriggeredSendDefinition: {
        CustomerKey:  tsExKey
    Subscribers: [{
        EmailAddress: EmailAddress,
        SubscriberKey: SubscriberKey

var res = prox.createItem('TriggeredSend', tsDef);  

Thank you again Erick for sharing this nifty little trick! We're almost in the double digits of Scriptmas, make sure you check back tomorrow what's in store for Day 10 of Scriptmas 2024.

Day Ten

On the tenth day of Scriptmas, Marketing Champion Rafal gave to us... A Server Side Javascript Function to calculate the time between two dates and easy to read for all of our Scriptmas helpers!

Click here to see the Day Ten Script
function timeDifferenceForHumans(minuend, subtrahend) {
    // Make sure the minuend and subtrahend are numeric timestamps that can be parts of subtraction
    try {
        if (typeof minuend !== "number") {
            minuend = new Date(minuend).getTime();
        if (typeof subtrahend !== "number") {
            subtrahend = new Date(subtrahend).getTime();
    } catch (e) {
        return "timeDifference function: Unable to parse the provided dates";

    // Calculate the time difference in milliseconds
    var timeDifference = Math.abs(minuend - subtrahend);

    // Calculate days, hours, minutes, and seconds
    var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
    var oneHour = 60 * 60 * 1000;
    var oneMinute = 60 * 1000;

    var days = Math.floor(timeDifference / oneDay);
    var hours = Math.floor((timeDifference % oneDay) / oneHour);
    var minutes = Math.floor((timeDifference % oneHour) / oneMinute);
    var seconds = Math.floor((timeDifference % oneMinute) / 1000);

    // Build strings in a format readable for humans
    var shortString = days + "d " + timePadding(hours) + "h " + timePadding(minutes) + "min " + timePadding(seconds) + "s";
    var variableString = '';

    // Days
    if (days == 1) {
        variableString += "1 day ";
    } else if (days > 1) {
        variableString += days + " days ";

    // Hours
    if (hours == 1) {
        variableString += "1 hour ";
    } else if (hours > 1) {
        variableString += hours + " hours ";

    // Minutes
    if (minutes == 1) {
        variableString += "1 minute ";
    } else if (minutes > 1) {
        variableString += minutes + " minutes ";

    // Seconds
    if (seconds == 1) {
        variableString += "1 second";
    } else if (seconds > 1) {
        variableString += seconds + " seconds";

    var object = {
        "days": days,
        "hours": hours,
        "minutes": minutes,
        "seconds": seconds,
        "variableString": variableString,
        "shortString": shortString

    // Returned object
    return object;

// Helper function to pad single-digit numbers with a leading zero
function timePadding(num) {
    return (num < 10 ? "0" : "") + num;

Who's going to be the first to use the function to count down to Christmas? Check back tomorrow for our Day 11 Scriptmas treat!

Day Eleven

On the eleventh day of Scriptmas, Jake gave to us... A SQL & SSJS based solution to get everything you'd need to create an Open & Click Heatmap. This is a bit of a big one, so make sure you check out the full details from Jake below!

Click here to see the Day Eleven Script
* Fill with Weekday and Hours DE SSJS Script 
<script runat="server" language="JavaScript">
  Platform.Load("core", "1");
   var addToDEArray = [];

   var HeatMap_ClicksDE = DataExtension.Init('HeatMap_Clicks');
   var HeatMap_OpensDE = DataExtension.Init('HeatMap_Opens');
   for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
       for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
           if (x == 0) {
               var weekday = "Monday"
           } else if (x == 1) {
               var weekday = "Tuesday"
           } else if (x == 2) {
               var weekday = "Wednesday"
           } else if (x == 3) {
               var weekday = "Thursday"
           } else if (x == 4) {
               var weekday = "Friday"
           } else if (x == 5) {
               var weekday = "Saturday"
           } else if (x == 6) {
               var weekday = "Sunday"
           var addObject = {
               Weekday: weekday,
               Hour: i
    try {
   } catch (err) {


* Open Rate SQL

/* This query will provide you with the data necessary to make an Open/Click heat map for day of the week and time of day based on send time.   */

SELECT y.SendCount, y.Weekday, y.Hour,
       WHEN x.OpenCount IS NOT NULL
           /* Get the open count based on 'total opens in a Weekday & Hour of Day bucket' divided by
              'total sends in a Weekday & Hour of Day bucket' */
           THEN (CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,4),x.OpenCount) / CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,4),y.SendCount))
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.OpenCount IS NULL
           /* instead of returning null when the resulting OpenCount is 0, we want to set the rate to 0 */
           THEN 0.0000
       ELSE null
   END AS OpenRateByTime,
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.OpenCount IS NULL
           /* instead of returning null when the resulting OpenCount is 0, we want to set the open count to 0 */
           THEN 0
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.OpenCount IS NOT NULL
           THEN x.OpenCount
       ELSE null
   END AS OpenCount
   SELECT Count(*) AS SendCount,
   /* the DATENAME function allows us to group by things like 'Monday' and '4' aka 4am */
   DATENAME(WEEKDAY, EventDate) AS Weekday,
   DATEPART(HOUR, EventDate) AS Hour
   FROM _Sent
) y
   /* this subquery is getting the accumulative Open Count for the Weekday and Hour of Day buckets */
   SELECT Count(*) AS OpenCount,
           /* this subquery gets all unique open data. you can always add a WHERE clause to limit
              the results to a shorter time period than the full past 6 months of data that Data Views retain */
           SELECT s.JobID, s.BatchID, o.IsUnique, s.EventDate,
           DATENAME(WEEKDAY, s.EventDate) AS Weekday,
           DATEPART(HOUR, s.EventDate) AS Hour
           FROM _Sent s
           INNER JOIN _Open o
               ON s.JobID = o.JobID AND s.BatchID = o.BatchID AND s.SubscriberKey = o.SubscriberKey
           WHERE o.IsUnique = 1
       ) a
   /* groups by weekday and hour so we can now grab the open counts just like the send counts before */
   GROUP BY a.Weekday, a.Hour
) x
ON x.Weekday = y.Weekday AND x.Hour = y.Hour

* Click Rate SQL

SELECT y.SendCount, y.Weekday, y.Hour,
       WHEN x.ClickCount IS NOT NULL
           THEN (CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,4),x.ClickCount) / CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,4),y.SendCount))
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.ClickCount IS NULL
           THEN 0.0000
       ELSE null
   END AS ClickRateByTime,
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.ClickCount IS NULL
           THEN 0
       WHEN y.SendCount IS NOT NULL AND x.ClickCount IS NOT NULL
           THEN x.ClickCount
       ELSE null
   END AS ClickCount
   SELECT Count(*) AS SendCount,
   DATENAME(WEEKDAY, EventDate) AS Weekday,
   DATEPART(HOUR, EventDate) AS Hour
   FROM _Sent
) y
   SELECT Count(*) AS ClickCount,
           SELECT s.JobID, s.BatchID, c.IsUnique, s.EventDate,
           DATENAME(WEEKDAY, s.EventDate) AS Weekday,
           DATEPART(HOUR, s.EventDate) AS Hour
           FROM _Sent s
           INNER JOIN _Click c
               ON s.JobID = c.JobID AND s.BatchID = c.BatchID AND s.SubscriberKey = c.SubscriberKey
           WHERE c.IsUnique = 1
       ) a
   GROUP BY a.Weekday, a.Hour
) x
ON x.Weekday = y.Weekday AND x.Hour = y.Hour
Full details here This query will provide you with the data necessary to make an Open or Click heat map by day of the week and time of day based on send time.

The open and click rates are calculated by grouping all individual unique open and click events by the email job that those open and clicks are attributed to. So, the data does not necessarily represent when users are opening or clicking, but rather the amount of users that are opening or clicking from emails sent in a given hour and time of the week.

There’s a good chunk of subqueries going on, so I’ll break down what’s going on at a high level and leave some comments in the query for more context.

In the FROM clause we reference the “_Sent” Data View and group by Weekday and Hour of the day. This breaks up our sends into buckets of Time of Day and Day of Week. We have to do this mainly because we have to get the total send counts for each of those buckets.

We reference “_Sent” Data View again in our LEFT JOIN subquery’s FROM clause. This is so we can get the total number of opens/clicks that are attributed to a send time hour & weekday bucket.

Now that we have our Send totals and Open/Click totals attributed to hour and weekday buckets, we can do some math in our SELECT statement to get our “OpenRateByTime” metric.

[PREREQUISITE]: you will want to fill your Data Extension with values for Weekday and Hour of Day. Here are the Data Extension asset requirements you’ll need as well as an SSJS script you can run to fill this Data Extension will all 24 Hours and all 7 Days. The script assumes you made 2 Data Extensions with the external keys of “HeatMap_Opens” and “HeatMap_Clicks”.

Field Name - Field Type - PK/Nullable

Weekday - Text - Primary Key Hour - Text - Primary Key SendCount - Number - Nullable OpenCount - Number - Nullable OpenRateByTime - Date - Nullable

Run the SSJS script and then run your SQL query and you will have heat map data in your Data Extension!

You can then create a UI of some sort that can display the results of this query or even export the results in your Data Extension and create a Pivot Table in Excel or Google Sheets.

Disclaimer: I have only run this on relatively small SFMC accounts. If scaling is an issue, note that you may have to break some of the subqueries up into separate staging queries/Data Extensions.

Merry Scriptmas! Reach out on LinkedIn for any questions and I’m happy to help!

Thanks Jake for this Scriptmas treat! Check back tomorrow to see what our final Scriptmas gift may be...

Day Twelve

On the twelfth day of Scriptmas, Marketing Champion Duc gave to us... A perfect ASCII art Christmas Tree, built using SSJS and HTML.

Check back to see the Day Twelve Script
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="utf-8" />
<body style="font-family: monospace">
<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.1");
var debugging = false;
var heightOfTree = 20; // Change the height here
var leaf = '*'; // Change the leaf symbol here
var christmasTree = createChristmasTree(heightOfTree, leaf, debugging);


function createChristmasTree(height, leaf, debugging) {
  /* USAGES 
    para 1: height is the height of tree
    para 2: leaf symbol
    para 3: debugging
  var tree = '';
  for (var i= 0; i < height; i++) {
      var stars = '';
      var spaces = '';

      var quantityOfStars = i*2 + 1;

      if(debugging){Write(quantityOfStars + '<br>');} // DEBUGGING
      for (var j=0; j < quantityOfStars; j++){
        stars += leaf;

      var quantityOfSpaces = height -i -1;

      if(debugging){Write(quantityOfSpaces + '<br><br>');} // DEBUGGING
      for (var e=0; e < quantityOfSpaces; e++){
        spaces += '&nbsp;';
      tree += spaces + stars +"<br>"

  // Add the tree trunk
  var maxElement = height*2 + 1;
  var trunkSpaces = '';
  for (i = 0; i < (maxElement-3)/2; i++) {
      trunkSpaces += '&nbsp;';
  trunkSpaces += '| |<br>';
  for (i = 0; i < height / 4; i++) { // Adjust trunk height based on the tree height
      tree += trunkSpaces;

    return tree;

// Add Merry Xmas line
var line;
var line1 = " __  __                       __  __                    _ ";
var line2 = "|  \\/  | ___ _ __ _ __ _   _  \\ \\/ /_ __ ___   __ _ ___| |";
var line3 = "| |\\/| |/ _ \\ '__| '__| | | |  \\  /| '_ ` _ \\ / _` / __| |";
var line4 = "| |  | |  __/ |  | |  | |_| |  /  \\| | | | | | (_| \\__ \\_|";
var line5 = "|_|  |_|\\___|_|  |_|   \\__, | /_/\\_\\_| |_| |_|\\__,_|___(_)";
var line6 = "                       |___/                              ";
  line = "<br>" + line1 +"<br>" + line2 +"<br>" + line3 +"<br>" + line4 +"<br>" + line5 +"<br>" + line6 +"<br>";
  line = line.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');

Thank you Duc for the Scriptmas tree! Everyone, make sure to send us screenshots of your very own custom Scriptmas tree, courtesy of Duc!

Thank you once again for all of our Scriptmas contributors for Scriptmas 2023!

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